Not much to tell, really. I was born, I went to school and I worked, but I've always had an ambition to leave something behind when I finally dropped off my perch.
Have no wealth, so I won't be leaving that behind. No kids that I'm aware of. The only thing I can leave - apart from a truckload of books - is stuff I've created.
And here it is: my stuff, the fruits of my 'creative ability' such as it is.
If any of it brings you a little happiness, a moment of reflection or even utter disgust, then my efforts will have achieved their purpose.
Have no wealth, so I won't be leaving that behind. No kids that I'm aware of. The only thing I can leave - apart from a truckload of books - is stuff I've created.
And here it is: my stuff, the fruits of my 'creative ability' such as it is.
If any of it brings you a little happiness, a moment of reflection or even utter disgust, then my efforts will have achieved their purpose.
There's more coming... I just have to make it up.
And this is about some of the people who have helped me...
Where they haven't been linked elsewhere in these pages, here are the links to some of my favourite people, organisations and websites:
Metro Screen
An extraordinary company of extraordinary people who will help the novice wannabe screen producer, director, editor or any film profession become accredited!
Unfortunately, this company is now permanently closed. :-( However, this is the Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_Screen
An extraordinary company of extraordinary people who will help the novice wannabe screen producer, director, editor or any film profession become accredited!
Unfortunately, this company is now permanently closed. :-( However, this is the Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_Screen
Australian Writers' Guild
The AWG is a must for earnest performance writers. They've helped me tremendously... https://awg.com.au/
The AWG is a must for earnest performance writers. They've helped me tremendously... https://awg.com.au/
Amino Z
Nazzareno and Ebe's grandson: body builder, business entrepreneur and general good guy. https://www.aminoz.com.au/
Ramsgate RSL
Home away from home with so many gracious people helping members and friends. https://www.ramsgatersl.com.au/
Your Vintage Occasion
Another home away from home when visiting the New South Wales Southern Highlands. Great people and excellent food: https://www.yourvintageoccasion.com.au/
Mittagong Motel
The only place to stay - not fancy-schmancy, not ultra-modern but friendly, clean and affordable. Very personable staff and owners. Would not stay anywhere else in Mittagong or the Southern Highlands! https://www.mittagong-motel.com.au/
Nazzareno and Ebe's grandson: body builder, business entrepreneur and general good guy. https://www.aminoz.com.au/
Ramsgate RSL
Home away from home with so many gracious people helping members and friends. https://www.ramsgatersl.com.au/
Your Vintage Occasion
Another home away from home when visiting the New South Wales Southern Highlands. Great people and excellent food: https://www.yourvintageoccasion.com.au/
Mittagong Motel
The only place to stay - not fancy-schmancy, not ultra-modern but friendly, clean and affordable. Very personable staff and owners. Would not stay anywhere else in Mittagong or the Southern Highlands! https://www.mittagong-motel.com.au/