1969 |
Bestoys built its success and reputation on the quality of its range of products. This quality came at a cost, which allowed other manufacturers to undercut Bestoys with items that were produced with less care and a basic finish.
Never wanting to reduce the quality of his Bestoys range and still be competitive with all things being equal, Jim Bonaretti introduced an entirely new line of product that, initially, seemed to compete against the Bestoys range. Jim released this range of toys and nursery furniture in 1969 and branded it “N.E.S.Toy” – the initials of the three family members directly involved at the time: Nazzareno, Ebe and daughter Susanna – the younger children still attending school. |
The range was limited but comprehensive:
The edges of the Corinite or particle board panels were finished with dense black paint that closed the porous edges or, with the tabletops, painted white and spangled with gold paint. Where Bestoys supplied its products mostly unassembled in cartoned flat-packs to protect them in transit and in store, N.E.S.Toy products were offered fully assembled and slipped into a strong plastic bag (Garage, Doll’s Cot and Cradle, Horse and Swan Rockaway, Doll’s House) or otherwise wrapped in corrugated paper. This cheaper range of toys and nursery furniture was quickly accepted and Bestoys, with this addition, increased its market share, giving its less expensive competitors cause for concern. N.E.S.Toy had the added advantage over its direct competitors that it was distributed Australia-wide by the same wholesalers and agents Bestoys had established over the years. |
1970 |
Never resting on past success and always looking to improve, Jim made modifications to the N.E.S.Toy range:
c1979Many changes took place with the range of products N.E.S.Toy offered but Jim didn’t publish a new brochure before he incorporated the range on the back cover of the new Bestoys colour catalogue produced c1979 with George Wills & Co Limited NSW.
The nine years in between saw these additions, deletions and modifications to the 1970 range:
Of the lines listed in the N.E.S.Toy 1970 pamphlet, these had been discontinued or modified by 1979:
After the dissolution of the exclusive distributorship with George Wills & Co Limited NSW, Jim Bonaretti’s final Bestoys colour catalogue was printed showing more additions, modifications and deletions to the N.E.S.Toy range. These were:
- The Corinite Table and Chairs set was changed to unpainted particle board and timber, ready to be decorated by the purchaser to his/her colour scheme. It was packed unassembled in a flat pack carton.
- “Pam’s Cottage” was slightly modified by the formerly spray-painted roof now silk-screened with a tile pattern on raw particle board.
- The Dropside Cot was replaced by the “Colonial” Cradle, made of Corinite and hardboard, with wet-application transfers on the bed ends and supplied in a cartoned flat pack.
- The painted Dresser was replaced by the “Colonial” Dresser which was made of Corinite particle board and hardboard or plywood, and supplied unassembled in a cartoned flat pack.
- The Horse Rockaway was discontinued and replaced with two new designs: a Pony and a Duckling and named “Sooky” the Pony and “Ukky” the Duckling = Sooky-Ukky = sukiyaki (a little in-joke). “Sooky” was printed in a range of body colours to match the trend of the day: blue, mauve, green and orange. These two rockaways proved to be very popular and sold in their 1000s…
1983 "New Releases"
These were illustrated on the “1983 New Releases from N.E.S.Toy” pamphlet:
At the same time, 21st February, 1983, Alltoys International Pty Ltd Wholesale Price List had these items available:
These items continued to be available from N.E.S.Toy until 1985.
N.E.S.Toy Finds - "Ukky" Rockaway

Found on Gumtree, listed on 14th March, 2021, was this "Vintage NES Toys Rocking Horse" offered for $20.00 in Oatley, NSW. It would have been made between 1983 and 1985. Because the silk-screened decoration is in yellow and brown inks, this item was most likely manufactured toward the later date, 1985.
Another "Ukky" Rockaway
From JET AGE DESIGN in Fyshwick, ACT, comes this offering of "Ukky" Duckling Rockaway. The date should read, "1980s" as this rockaway was produced only between 1983 and 1985. In this example, the interior is spray-painted in pastel green tinted undercoat and the duckling is in orange and black instead of yellow and brown silk-screen inks indicating it was manufactured closer to 1983.
No. 2 Blackboard in BowralFound in April, 2023, Shop 25 at Dirty Jane's this N.E.S.Toy No. 2 Blackboard still functional and the paint chalk-able. Only the easel legs have been changed. The design indicates this example was made after 1978 to 1985.
N.E.S.Toy Horse Rockaway

Found on Facebook Marketplace in March, 2024, this is a fine example of an early N.E.S.Toy Horse Rockaway manufactured in the Bestoys factory between 1969 and 1983. Painted throughout with one coat of tinted matt undercoat in a neutral colour meant expediency in manufacturing saving labour costs. Even the handle, as seen here, is painted only on three sides, saving a fourth pass by the spray-painter. The screen-printing, however, is in two colours as one colour would have been too bland.
With thanks to the Seller and Facebook Marketplace: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/3629632833968700/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A64cb1408-11b6-44f2-97ee-d779b5ab4c84
With thanks to the Seller and Facebook Marketplace: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/3629632833968700/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A64cb1408-11b6-44f2-97ee-d779b5ab4c84