Other Bestoys Firms in Australia prior to 1957
Percy J Lovelock of Balmain, New South Wales
Researching newspapers, documents and government websites has turned up some surprising information.
In Australia, the name “Bestoys” in connection with toy making appears as far back as 1936, well before Nazzareno Bonaretti's arrival in 1951 but in order to clarify the Bonaretti "Bestoys", here is what this research has uncovered:
In Australia, the name “Bestoys” in connection with toy making appears as far back as 1936, well before Nazzareno Bonaretti's arrival in 1951 but in order to clarify the Bonaretti "Bestoys", here is what this research has uncovered:
Wise’s New South Wales Post Office Directory dated 1st January, 1936 has this entry of “Bestoys” at 145 Beattie Street, Balmain, which appears to be located only a few doors down from Percy J Lovelock’s registered address if, in fact, one is not a typographical error. Right
In 1937, Wise’s New South Wales Post Office Directory had Bestoys still at the same 145 Beattie Street address: |
9th November, 1936 – Dunn’s Gazette lists a firm registered as “Bestoys” at 175 Beattie Street, Balmain, toy maker, commencing 1st September, 1936, the proprietor being Percy J Lovelock. Reg. 20/10/36. Left
In 1938 Wise’s New South Wales Post Office Directory listed Bestoys still at 145 Beattie Street. Beneath this entry was another toy manufacturer, Ernst E. Evans of 317 Darling Street, Balmain. There were no further listings in the name of Lovelock Wise’s New South Wales Post Office Directory or in Dunn's Gazette in relation to Bestoys found... but the search continues...
The name Lovelock, however, did continue in the toy making industry in Sydney and seemed to be associated with Roy Waddell but the history of their relationship, if indeed it did exist, is vague.
The November, 1932 edition of the Sydney White Pages telephone directory listed for the first time, E. Lovelock, Toy Manufacturer, 31 Edinburgh Street, Marrickville - telephone number L 2175. That publication did not have a Toy Manufacturers listing in its classified section. E. Lovelock remained listed at this address until, at least 1960.
In 1966, K.J. Lovelock Pty. Ltd., toy manufacturers of Edward Street, Chippendale, exhibited its range of wooden toys.
On 2nd May, 1980, listed in the Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales, Issue No.69 on page 2248, under the COMPANIES ACT, 1961 (SECTION 308 (2)), K.J. Lovelock Pty. Ltd. was one of a number of companies under this Notice:
NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three months from the date hereof the names of the companies set out below will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the register and the companies dissolved.
and on 5th December, 1980, again in the Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales, Issue No.185 on page 6324, under the COMPANIES ACT, 1961 (SECTION 308 (4)), K.J. Lovelock Pty. Ltd. was one of a number of companies under this Notice:
NOTICE is hereby given that the name of the companies set out below have been struck off the register and the companies dissolved.
(Research is continuing as to the relationship between all the Lovelocks mentioned here...)
The November, 1932 edition of the Sydney White Pages telephone directory listed for the first time, E. Lovelock, Toy Manufacturer, 31 Edinburgh Street, Marrickville - telephone number L 2175. That publication did not have a Toy Manufacturers listing in its classified section. E. Lovelock remained listed at this address until, at least 1960.
In 1966, K.J. Lovelock Pty. Ltd., toy manufacturers of Edward Street, Chippendale, exhibited its range of wooden toys.
On 2nd May, 1980, listed in the Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales, Issue No.69 on page 2248, under the COMPANIES ACT, 1961 (SECTION 308 (2)), K.J. Lovelock Pty. Ltd. was one of a number of companies under this Notice:
NOTICE is hereby given that at the expiration of three months from the date hereof the names of the companies set out below will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the register and the companies dissolved.
and on 5th December, 1980, again in the Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales, Issue No.185 on page 6324, under the COMPANIES ACT, 1961 (SECTION 308 (4)), K.J. Lovelock Pty. Ltd. was one of a number of companies under this Notice:
NOTICE is hereby given that the name of the companies set out below have been struck off the register and the companies dissolved.
(Research is continuing as to the relationship between all the Lovelocks mentioned here...)
The range included kiddies' tables and chairs, hobby horses, doll's cradles, doll's houses, kiddies' wheelbarrows, a castle, garages and various pull-along carts and toys.
These were in direct competition with the Bestoys range, undercutting prices.
In 1965, Bestoys had moved from spray-painted stenciled decoration to silk-screening its Rockaway range, Lovelock had not. Following tradition, the interior of the items was sprayed either blue for boys or pink for girls.
Dating "finds"
The above image is a good reference to date "finds" - pre- or post-1966. While it is monochrome, the patterns and shapes are distinctive, in particular on the Horse Rockaway on the bottom right. The most noticeable design feature there is the saddle blanket: it has three large stars beneath the saddle and larger tassels on each corner. (The dapples are sprayed on in a random fashion and cannot be used as a reliable guide.) Using this image as a manufacturing date indicator, the Horse Rockaway found on Facebook Marketplace in August 2023 would be post-1966. The Horse Rockaway beneath it, found on Facebook Marketplace in September 2024, is most likely pre-1966, having three smaller stars on the saddle blanket, placed to the side.
These were in direct competition with the Bestoys range, undercutting prices.
In 1965, Bestoys had moved from spray-painted stenciled decoration to silk-screening its Rockaway range, Lovelock had not. Following tradition, the interior of the items was sprayed either blue for boys or pink for girls.
Dating "finds"
The above image is a good reference to date "finds" - pre- or post-1966. While it is monochrome, the patterns and shapes are distinctive, in particular on the Horse Rockaway on the bottom right. The most noticeable design feature there is the saddle blanket: it has three large stars beneath the saddle and larger tassels on each corner. (The dapples are sprayed on in a random fashion and cannot be used as a reliable guide.) Using this image as a manufacturing date indicator, the Horse Rockaway found on Facebook Marketplace in August 2023 would be post-1966. The Horse Rockaway beneath it, found on Facebook Marketplace in September 2024, is most likely pre-1966, having three smaller stars on the saddle blanket, placed to the side.
Vintage 'finds' of Lovelock Rockaways and other products...
This item again was offered on Gumtree in September, 2024.
With thanks to the seller and to Gumtree - no copyright infringement intended: https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/glenroy/toys-indoor/vintage-1960s-restored-wooden-childs-rocker-swan-design/1243977257
With thanks to the seller and to Gumtree - no copyright infringement intended: https://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/glenroy/toys-indoor/vintage-1960s-restored-wooden-childs-rocker-swan-design/1243977257

... and another Swan Rockaway was offered on Facebook Marketplace in October, 2023, this one with a pink interior from Kyneton, Victoria. The pattern of the waves and the droplets above them indicate that this item is post-1966 and most likely manufactured by K.J. Lovelock. The shape of the backrest is also similar to that in the 1966 photograph above.

... and this Swan Rockaway was offered on Facebook Marketplace in May, 2024, also one with a white interior but situated in Tuggeranong, ACT. The main differences on this example are the round dowel handle and the square-cut backrest. This item appears to have been supplied as a flat-pack.

This particular Horse Rockaway was found on Facebook Marketplace in August, 2023. It differs significantly from the one below it, also found on Facebook Marketplace but a year later in September, 2024.
The actual profile cut of the horse here is different from the one below and the stenciling is significantly modified. This example appears to be younger than the one below and was most likely manufactured by K.J. Lovelock Pty Ltd. of Chippendale post 1966... interesting...
The actual profile cut of the horse here is different from the one below and the stenciling is significantly modified. This example appears to be younger than the one below and was most likely manufactured by K.J. Lovelock Pty Ltd. of Chippendale post 1966... interesting...

Found on Facebook Marketplace in September, 2024 this Horse Rockaway appears to be either from a period earlier than the late 60s as stated or well after that date. This item does not match the pattern on the horse displayed by K.J. Lovelock Pty Ltd., toy manufacturers of Edward Street, Chippendale, in the toy exhibition of 1966. (See photo above.) Unlike most of the above "finds", the handle is unchamfered nor does it have rounded edges or is a dowel, for the child's comfort.
With thanks to Facebook Marketplace and the Seller with no intention to infringe copyright. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1037266730822480/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A593f2124-95bd-436d-8aa2-07b35d6b1d49
With thanks to Facebook Marketplace and the Seller with no intention to infringe copyright. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1037266730822480/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3A593f2124-95bd-436d-8aa2-07b35d6b1d49
Bestoys of Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria
There also appears to be another “Bestoys” that made wheeled toys and other metal products. This company was located in Fitzroy, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria and advertised in The Age for workers.

After 1954, there doesn’t appear to be any further ads for Bestoys in Fitzroy, Melbourne, or for labourers with this contact number, JA4904.
This Bestoys was the maker of “steel toys” and most likely the manufacturer of these items advertised in various newspapers and magazines.
This Bestoys was the maker of “steel toys” and most likely the manufacturer of these items advertised in various newspapers and magazines.

Several steel and wheeled products from this Bestoys of Fitzroy have survived to this day and have been offered in various market places.
In 2021 this Bestoys Scooter, most likely produced before 1955, was originally advertised for just over $200.00 on eBay. In September 2024, the new asking price was $65.00.
With thanks to the Seller and eBay: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/175828640572?_skw=bestoys+scooter&itmmeta=01J8XBPWWB0SXCM6W6W46SNAJ4&hash=item28f034233c:g:cD0AAOSw95BbvxfR&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmLE2oWRifnkNmKentoLxlvv1NtKnSadXVU%2B%2B84227Tns3lDS2oBk0J7IAhMVlQRNR9PgSrCRMNVoN%2BTkN%2B6rD2eWAhWfNq3DUvhoAAoERoSXfnbbsj7fXmk3fZ1uv%2FpA%2FOC3Mr3C%2BJ5b84tp30RcDoJni%2BBCRK2a%2FBPSSwacP7OFw4R2Df472QwvaDabiNx4jkAbTnnF6nGQTM0n9DDZ2lypjiAMAePp62rKTmPo7Xj8Qs6ICdxR71Jq7aqIKgymo%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5rO26vHZA
In 2021 this Bestoys Scooter, most likely produced before 1955, was originally advertised for just over $200.00 on eBay. In September 2024, the new asking price was $65.00.
With thanks to the Seller and eBay: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/175828640572?_skw=bestoys+scooter&itmmeta=01J8XBPWWB0SXCM6W6W46SNAJ4&hash=item28f034233c:g:cD0AAOSw95BbvxfR&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmLE2oWRifnkNmKentoLxlvv1NtKnSadXVU%2B%2B84227Tns3lDS2oBk0J7IAhMVlQRNR9PgSrCRMNVoN%2BTkN%2B6rD2eWAhWfNq3DUvhoAAoERoSXfnbbsj7fXmk3fZ1uv%2FpA%2FOC3Mr3C%2BJ5b84tp30RcDoJni%2BBCRK2a%2FBPSSwacP7OFw4R2Df472QwvaDabiNx4jkAbTnnF6nGQTM0n9DDZ2lypjiAMAePp62rKTmPo7Xj8Qs6ICdxR71Jq7aqIKgymo%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5rO26vHZA

September 2024 saw this item offered on eBay. While it is definitely a Bestoys product, it was manufactured most likely before 1955 by the Fitzroy-based company and nothing to do with the soon-to-be-born Sydney Bestoys of Nazzareno Bonaretti.
With sincere thanks (and apologies) to the Seller and eBay. No copyright infringement intended: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/286059679861?_skw=bestoys&itmmeta=01J8X7J0JWTM77JZYV1RE26DJM&hash=item429a7c5075:g:P6sAAOSw8z5m5Qdv&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlKz5SXHBC2WlwGNa%2Fiykdu4ucD68A0nFeMcLps9LXU%2FhOPCDq7cF5Riv8zdhiTx62JechqWRTOFuN5zhneoNv74ttMhNB8Rzosfkm5GCpUq2j3sYU98eL1FIWPmcUrn86Ec2giHKfIWHWZ4Cv%2BHJDfV1ATNfb7vGAm9aOvnBuC6HKnchGeOUdzyOZMmvimBy1mbDOHKi%2ByraCOwR1Pc8fM0nyUcMfxLGY%2BQ2js7f0T93CYNPiswa5sNR9hfcefOnqXODlHm6ym%2B4vrQGVtoQNs%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR76JyKfHZA
With sincere thanks (and apologies) to the Seller and eBay. No copyright infringement intended: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/286059679861?_skw=bestoys&itmmeta=01J8X7J0JWTM77JZYV1RE26DJM&hash=item429a7c5075:g:P6sAAOSw8z5m5Qdv&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlKz5SXHBC2WlwGNa%2Fiykdu4ucD68A0nFeMcLps9LXU%2FhOPCDq7cF5Riv8zdhiTx62JechqWRTOFuN5zhneoNv74ttMhNB8Rzosfkm5GCpUq2j3sYU98eL1FIWPmcUrn86Ec2giHKfIWHWZ4Cv%2BHJDfV1ATNfb7vGAm9aOvnBuC6HKnchGeOUdzyOZMmvimBy1mbDOHKi%2ByraCOwR1Pc8fM0nyUcMfxLGY%2BQ2js7f0T93CYNPiswa5sNR9hfcefOnqXODlHm6ym%2B4vrQGVtoQNs%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR76JyKfHZA
Another is this Bestoys Folding Camping Stool offered by How Bazaar of Colac in 2018 for $65.00:
These Bestoys (or "Bestoy") Camping Stools were frequently advertised by W Coogan & Co, the largest furniture store in Tasmania during the early 1950s.
This advertisement for “Bestoy” Steel Camp Chairs and Stools was published in the Thursday, 24th September, 1953 edition of the Examiner, Launceston:
This advertisement for “Bestoy” Steel Camp Chairs and Stools was published in the Thursday, 24th September, 1953 edition of the Examiner, Launceston:
This ad was in the Friday, 4th December, 1953 issue of the Examiner, Launceston:
Other newspaper advertisements indicate that Bestoys of Fitzroy made a range of household steel products as well as wheeled toys and camp chairs. An ad in Border Watch, Mount Gambier, South Australia on Saturday 8th May 1954 - and again on Thursday 6th May 1954 - details a Clothes Basket Carrier: